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For more information and project descriptions, visit: I-CREWS SARE
for Idaho Colleges and Universities
Idaho's Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is seeking student and faculty applicants for summer student research experiences as part of an Idaho-wide National Science Foundation (NSF) funded program focused on providing analytical outcomes to proactively address the impacts of climate, population, and technological change on energy-water (E-W) systems. Research projects can be led by faculty from any Idaho college or university. In most cases, research projects will be directed by faculty at the students’ home institution.
SARE Summary:
Summer Authentic Research Experiences (SARE) are designed to engage Idaho undergraduates in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields related to I-CREWS research and increase the number, diversity and preparation of skilled scientists and engineers in I-CREWS fields (geosciences, biological sciences, social sciences, and resilience science, computational modeling, machine learning and artificial intelligence) to provide analytical outcomes to proactively address the impacts of climate, population, and technological change on energy-water (E-W) systems.
Each student receives hands-on, paid (up to $6,000) summer research experiences (full-time or part-time educational opportunities available), where they study topics broadly related to the I-CREWS project. Each SARE educational opportunity is designed as a learning experience and not employment. The novelty of the approach is the statewide integration of the I-CREWS research, and opportunities for undergraduate students to network across the institutions through research team interactions, data collection, fieldwork (e.g., participating in focus groups designed to assess land and water management), and research activities.
SARE Eligibility:
All Idaho STEM faculty, and students currently enrolled at an Idaho academic institution, are eligible. I-CREWS especially seeks to increase the participation of students from underrepresented groups in STEM (underrepresented minorities (URM), low-income, rural and/or first-generation students, and women in Idaho's STEM enterprise). SARE provides students with an intensive laboratory and/or field experience, while creating an important bridge between academic year education and between institutions.
SARE Selection and Placement:
Related Opportunities/Requirements:
Students participating in SARE will be required to present research results at the Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research (ICUR) in July 2025. Students will also be expected to participate in a virtual Summer Research Community, hosted by Boise State University, and submit a research profile to the Idaho EPSCoR website.
Contact Information: Please contact institutional leads if you have any questions:
• Boise State University: Jim Fredricksen (
• University of Idaho: Sarah Penney-Jackson (
• Idaho State University: Kitty Griswold (
• Idaho 2-yr and 4-yr Colleges: Miranda Striluk ( and Bill Ebener (